Studies & internships

In Swedish


Do you have an assignment in school? Check out our facts on porn and sex-buying. Feel free to use these facts in your schoolwork, and don’t forget to quote us as your source.



Do you want to do an interview with someone here at CA, or do you need more info then what’s currently available on our site? Check out our Q&A, or get in touch.


Apply for internship

An internship at Changing attitudes fits anyone who’s up for eliminating all attitudes leading to sex-buying.

As an intern at Changing attitudes you’ll be part of our team, and our daily work at our HQ in Uppsala, Sweden. It’s also possible to do your internship online, meaning you could be based anywhere in the world.

Your internship will be adapted to you as a person, to your specific studies, your knowledge and your interest.

We accept students from all academic levels.

Record a video where you share more about who you are and send it to us together with your resume and any references you might have.

We are only able to accept a limited amount of interns, and applications are accepted all throughout the year.
